Monday 28 May 2012

Tip #2 : Asian Stubborn Lashes

I have shortish, straight, thin Chinese lashes. Over the years, I've finally mastered how to get those buggars to stay up and curled all day, even up to a couple of days for me... When I can't be bothered removing the stuff.
My advice is: you don't need a very expensive mascara. Although brands such as Lancome are verryyy good, a simple waterproof mascara is all you need to achieve a curled long lasting look really. I highly recommend the Miss Sporty Fabulous Lash Waterproof Mascara, available at Boots. I've repurchased it many times over, and plus it's £3.29 for one! What a flipping bargain! So the tips goes, prime your lashes. I recommend using a good primer for this, Lancome do a good one called Cils Booster XL. Expensive though, but a good investment. When the primer is about dry, curl your lashes. Don't do this when lashes are still wet as the lash won't hold the curl. But invest in a good eyelash curler as well Asian ladies! The Shu Uemura one is my holy grail! I use the Cosmopolitan eyelash curler to lift my lashes first. So curl at the tips, middle, and roots. Then, using my SU eyelash curler, repeat the same process. This curler gives more of a curved finish to my lashes. From the side profile, it will look much more natural than if lashes stood straight up and hits against the eyelid. You know what I'm talking about?! Then apply a light coat of waterproof mascara first if you're going to use non waterproof formulas on lashes but wait for this to dry before applying other mascaras. I personally use all waterproof because it holds much better, and won't run as I have watery eyes. I yawn too much!
I also combine mascaras, as in I will use the primer, Miss Sporty mascara, then use a volumising mascara focusing on the roots, and finally a lengthening mascara on the ends. Before my Make Up For Ever Aqua Lash ran out, it was all I needed to use as it is an all round mascara. Unfortunately it's not available in the UK for me. I think that must be the best mascara I've ever used. But even Bioderma couldn't remove it... Vaseline does the trick though.
I just wanted to share my experience on how to beat the stubborn Asian lash syndrome, which is actually VERY annoying to others who may want to see what works for them. I see many Asian girls with good lashes, but could potentially have great looking lashes! Try it and see... It works for me, but may not work for everyone unfortunately. But hey, anything to get some flutter in those sexy eyes!

I'd love to know if it works for any of you!!!


My Ideal Man

I always think about this. What is desirable in a man, and I shall highlight, in a MAN. Not a boy. Boy  Fully grown men. While studying psychology, I came across an interesting, but too much damn data to remember, case study about sex differences in mate preferences.
It claims that males and females look for different traits in the opposite sex and find different things as more desirable.
Females: Good financial prospects, Ambition and Industriousness.
Males: Youth, Beauty, Chastity.

Just how much of this is true?

Females wise, I can speak for myself and say YES. It's true as far as I'm concerned. I generally am attracted to more ambitious men who know what they want in life, and work towards it. Unlike those who are unmotivated and have no sense of direction to steer their life. I mean, how are you supposed to support your woman if you manage to find yourself one. Men should take of care of their ladies, call me traditional if you like.
Money is also attractive. Not just for materialistic factors, although I am highly materialistic, but for stability as well. Preferably, I would not like to be stressing every day thinking how am I going to feed myself and my children. I think money will give a peace of mind for some issues, but for sure, money can't buy you everything, I know that for a fact.

My own preferences however... well, they're my preferences! This is what I as an individual finds attractive in a man. So please respect if you find something disgusting which I like!

I'm not difficult to please, but is someone who is very difficult to like somebody meaningfully (LOVE). I'm not a cheesy person by the way, but I'm not afraid to use the L word.

A few things that I'm a sucker for are just simple things, hence why not difficult to please.

1. Masculine Smell
I'm really sensitive to smells, a smelly guy= instant turn off
a fresh smelling man= girl gone crazy!
I once had a strange encounter, well kind of, with a jogging man. He was covered in sweat. I was thinking, oh gosh this guy's gonna smella B.O. How flipping wrong was I! He smelt very nice indeed... It was a sweet, musty kind of smell. But yes, what they say about getting sweaty with the opposite sex is a turn on, because of the pheromones in our sweat. There's a bit of science for ya ;D

2. Smiling eyes w/ Long Eyelashes
You know the kind that when they smile, and their eyes scrunch up with a bit of glisten in them. Dark or light eyes will do the trick. Any nice eyes, I'm dead and gone to heaven. No matter how clichéd, this is a worthy one. Like the next...

3. Nice Mouth
Smiling eyes and a flashing a nice set of teeth at the same time? Oh gosh, I'm short of breath! Someone with tanner skin, which is one of my preferences, will make teeth look whiter ;)
Some nice pinky cushiony lips will be nice to kiss too!

4. BedHead
Need I explain, it's too damn sexy. If he looks like he's just got out of bed, my kinda guy! I'm more into the texturised, surfer kind of hair. Generally, I prefer longer styles in men. It'd be nice to just put your hands on...

5. Facial Hair
As in STUBBLE, not beard. Never mind if it cuts my face, it looks pretty damn hot!

Substitute that into a single male equation...........................

There we have it. A perfect example of male perfection.

Oh, a sexy deep voice, not too deep, is highly desired! Love it if he can sing well, and play guitar at the same time... Oh gosh, MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION!

For the record, I don't care all that much about a guy's body. I have body issues myself, I'd hate it if my man would beat me down for it. So why would I beat down his? However, I'd hate to have my man stand next to me, and me being chunkier than him. In my mind, the woman should be more slender than the man. But only in my mind, not to mean that it's the standard. In fact, I'd love to have a chubby male, just to cuddle and put on head on. I'd find him far less intimidating than someone with the likes of Marlon's abs... Although he is looking pretty smokingggg! Aha...

Well, dozing off again...

What does everyone else find attractive in a man? And to males, what do you find admirable in another man, that you'd like to have? I'd really like to know!

For now, night all though!

Your Perfect Date...

So I'm sat at my dining table, after an all-nighter of "revision". I think I've inflamed my ligaments from writing so many essays in preparation for my exams. AS Levels are surprisingly difficult to adjust to, especially if you've developed BAD habits from GCSE. Total lack of motivation and revision syndrome. So I'm sitting here, listening to the birds sing at 5:26 am on this Monday, when I have a massive Psychology exam tomorrow. My mind is just wandering off... to my perfect date! And I felt like blogging this, I've missed blogging. I have loads of posts I could've done, but too little time!

I never really thought about what my perfect date would be like. You know, as in the typical cinema date so you and your date don't have think of what to say to avoid awkward moments, would be the first thing that spring into mind. But no! A film on a date? Save that for weekends cosying up man! This is just my opinion on dates, if you enjoy cinema dates, that's great! As long as you enjoy yourself, that's all that matters on a date.

I thought of other things... Posh restaurant? Candle lit dinner for two with a glass of wine and violinists playing in the background? Nahhhhh... Maybe at some point in my life, but not for the current 17 going on 18 kind of girl I am. So then, maybe pizza on a park bench? Still, no. So what the heck would be ideal date then?

ZOO. Yup, going to the zoo. I can just imagine myself, with my date, and I'd be running around dragging him along being like "oh look at that moody gorilla!", "omg a hippo!", "awww the bear is so cute, he looks like you!" you know, that kind of thing. If you've seen the grumpy King Kong in Bristol Zoo you'll probably know what I mean! I just think it'd be great, if the date location was a surprise, and my date ended up taking me to a zoo, it'd just be amazing. Simply amazing. It'd have to take someone who knows me well enough to know, I guess typically it is the cinema, or shopping. I'm known for my love of 'shop till you drop'. But dates wise, please, just anything FUN and not too try hard. Spontaneity is also good, scores highly in my books!

Moving on from dates, how about romance? Since summer seems to edging its way into the UK (YAAY!), I'm quite fancying a holiday romance. My mind seems to make up scenarios, of me on holiday and meeting someone, you know, hot out of this world is the best way to put it. But things like that just don't happen to me anyway, as if. But just imagine... You're on holiday, all sun kissed in the sun. And he's just there. He looks at you, you look at him... Sexy. You can exercise your imagination with what's to come of that. And after holiday, return to life as normal. Time to get flight booking to Brazil I'm thinking!

...And your kinda guy? My kinda guy... Marlon Teixeira. My  kinda guy... Choi Seung Hyun (TOP from Big Bang). Andy On, Takeshi Kaneshiro, Dean Fujioka, Orlando Bloom, Huang Xiao Ming... blah blah blah. So Many Guys! So what is my type? "I don't have type", as Jet Li says. I did used to. Anyone, strictly not Chinese. Which I find totally bollocks nowadays! There are plenty of amazing Chinese guys out there! I once knew one. But today, my preferences have changed so much from say, what, 3-4 years ago. Puberty sure does a lot to you physically, but psychologically too man!

Dozing off, need sleep... Will post another post soon.

Morning world while I sleep... xxxxxxxzzzzzz

Friday 17 February 2012

January Favourites

Hello everyone! So SORRY I've not been posting in such a long time. I've just been so busy and stressed that I thought that I'd take a break from it. I've missed posting all through the time I've been away, promise!
But thought I'd do a quickie post on my favourites for January, and for half of December since I came back from Hong Kong plus February... Stay tuned :)

Left of screen to Right of screen:

Vaseline Cocoa Butter Smoothing Body Butter   Boots £5.10 (currently £3.40, go grab it!)
 This was 1st introduced to me by TheGlossGoss, who was my favourite blogger but is no longer blogging :(
I trusted her opinion 100% when she recommended this. When I had 1st bought it, I tried it but didn't like the smell as I thought it was too play-doughey compared to my Palmer's Cocoa Butter which I'm so used to, and didn't use it for quite some time. I dug it out this winter and am loving it! It leaves my skin so smooth and silky. I'm quite happy to recommend this and Vaseline's Sheer Infusion body lotion which is great in the summer time.

Tony Moly Peach Anti-Aging Hand Cream   Sasa HK $55
 When I was in HK, i wasn't used to the humidity there. My skin was so dry, my face broke out, my scalp was shedding like mad! Probably contributed by using Pantene shampoo since it is too drying for my scalp. My hands were also chapping, which is crazy since they are never dry, even during winter in the UK. So I rushed into Sasa to find a hand cream, emergency! And I found this cute looking peach thing and decided to give it a shot. Wow, all I can say is Wow for the smell. Heavenly! Peaches and more peaches! Only because I love the smell, and the packaging is so adorable. But also, the cream is a great consistency and absorbs really well into my skin w/o leaving a residue. Only downside is having to scoop my fingers in to get product out... unhygienic!

Mark Hill Style Secrets Va Va Voom Blowdry Mousse  Boots £5.61
 I've been using this non stop after every time I wash my hair to give it some much needed volume. However, if you want a very voluminous look this might not be for you as I'd say it's more of a natural body giver rather than a full on volumizer. I only apply a small amount as a fraction too much and your hair will be sticky! But I've mastered how much to use and it leaves my hair soft and bodylicious. However, I can say that I can really feel and see the difference when I don't use this, my hair is much softer, but flatter and SO unmanageable. So, I love this product :)

Shu Uemura Eyelash Curler   HK International Airport $260 for set
 This is my desert island product. I cannot say enough good things about this eyelash curler... It is just, pure genius. It fits my eye shape perfectly and never tugs on my eyelid. Most of all it just gives such a gorgeous curl which really lasts! I removed my mascara and my curl was still perfectly there, and that's coming from someone with naturally straight as lashes... Love.

Make Up For Ever Aqua Smoky Lash (Black) MUFE HK $240
 The hunt for my perfect mascara has ended. I've found it... It is just Amazing, coupled with my SU eyelash curler, it is just the dream team. It does everything that a mascara should: lengthen, volumise, curl and blacken my lashes to the MAX! I've read that some people don't get along with this mascara, it personally works great for me. I've tried many high end and drugstore mascaras, but nothing compares to this. I wish it didn't dry up so quickly though and is more available in the UK! $240? Hell is this worth it!

D&G The Collection 3 L'ImpĂ©ratrice EDT  Boots £39
 Or should I say 3900 points ;D I was in the middle of exams so thought, why the heck not treat myself while being stressed and under so much pressure! So I went wild and spent my Boots points. This perfume is my new love. It comes in such a big bottle as well, 100ml! I've stopped using my MAC Turquatic which I adore in favour if this. I'm so glad I went for this one and not Chloe by Chloe, which is nice, but not as pretty as this! I'm addicted to smelling this. It's nothing I'd usually go for - the aquatic, floral, more crisp smells- but it smells of kiwi and watermelon and raspberry and bunches of flowers, and I don't even like flowers! Wow, gosh... Just go and smell it for yourselves :D
Only thing is, it doesn't last as well as I'd like to... Plan A: drrrrrrrench myself in it!

Soap & Glory L'Arch de Triumph Eyebrow Shaper and Highlighter  Boots £8 (Present from set)
 I've been liking a more stronger, defined brow lately and this has been doing the job really well. The only cristicism I have is that it has glitters in the shaper side so in the sun my brows are Glittering! Haha. That should be quite nice if you wish to use it on your eyelid, like the highlighter side which you could probably use for an eyeshadow primer. You could even use it on your waterline or to highlight inner corners of the eye of cupids bow. Good muti-tasking product.

M.A.C. Pro Longwear Concealor NC35 £13.50
 I ran out of my Select Cover Up so bought this instead. It is a little dark for me at the moment but will match come summer. I don't use this directly on my blemishes, but I mix it into my BB cream which is too light and ashy for me. It comes in a cute little glass bottle and gives good coverage, but I have a Love/Hate relationship with the pump. I'm glad it has a pump, but I wish I had a bit more control over it. It always dispenses out waaaay too much product, since I'm only mixing it, and it just goes to waste, or I think "oh 'eckk" and mix the whole lot in, making me look orange! That is NOT the look I'm going for.

Skin 79 Super Beblesh Balm (Hot Pink)  Colormix HK $89
 I've heard sooo much about this on YouTube, so I thought that I had to try it out! It's HOT in Korea and we all know how good Korean people's skin is don't we? Initially, I tried it in HK when my skin was awful, and it did nothing. It looked like an oily ashy mess. So I didn't touch it and grabbed my Dr. Jart+ Black Label BB Cream instead, which didn't make this list, but it did give me a slightly patchy cakey look as it was so thick but I did like it. I thought it isn't working out so gave the Skin 79 one another go and...Voila. We got on :) It looks more natural than the Dr. Jart one, and gives a smooth finish. It is buildable on problem areas if you apply thin layers, and I love the pump! A little goes a long way and it is long wearing AND gives a dewy finish. Only thing is, after wearing it for a long day, my skin goes very oily and the BB Cream is transferable. Use powder if you wish. Give it a go if you're a BB Cream virgin like I was :)

M.A.C. Impassioned (Amplified) Lipstick  £13.50
 I was on a mad one when I bought this and Myth. WHY? Why on Earth did I buy this shocking pink when I could've been sensible and bought the more reserved Shy Girl ;) In fact, I was going to buy Morange! Oh I dooo love an orange lippy! Don't get me wrong, it is a gorgeous blue fuchsia pink which whitens teeth! And makes you look so perked up and amazing, but with my blemishes it'll only make them more noticeable. I just bought it and never used it. Recently I've found a new use for it though as a cream blush. My BB Cream mutes out my natural flush just a bit more than I'd like, making me look a bit flat in the face. So I literally dab this once on my hand and apply it to my cheeks, just past my apples across my cheekbones. Applying it directly onto my apples can look cute, but will make my face appear rounder.

M.A.C. Peachstock (Satin) Lipstick  £13.50
 Remember this when it came out with Give Me Liberty of London collection a while back? I'd wanted this colour so badly but it was sold out at both MACs by me. I was devastated when I found out it was a Pro product which the nearest store is in LDN, which I hardly visit. But "daaaaaaa", it strikes again and I grabbed it! It was the last one^^ and I am in love with it. It's such a goregous peach with hints of pink and brown. It goes with my skin tone so well, about NC30, like we we're meant to be together! It gives a nice finish, like all of the other Satins, and I just dab it on. No need to line lips either. Best £13.50 I've spent in my life!

Vo5 Miracle Concentrate Elixir with Argan Oil  Boots £4.99
 This is great stuff! I've never tried any argan/moroccan oil products before and this has lived up to its hype! Well the oil hype anyway. This product specifically, has a nice smell and a cute, handy little pipette and leaves my hair feeling really silky! I just apply it after blowdrying my hair to give a really smooth, glossy finish. You don't need a lot, but since I have long, thick hair, I'm quite generous with it. It is quite light so it doesn't make my hair greasy and heavy. I will be repurchasing this since I stupidly spilt half the bottle onto the carpet!

Shiseido Tsubaki Water Mist with Tsubaki Oil EX   HK Mannings $68
 This sprays amazingly! Sounds funny, but I've been thought many spray products which come out as a squirt or a shower or nothing at all! This gives a really fine mist of product which is great because you want to distribute evenly in your hair. It smells really pleasant, not that strong alcoholic smell like my Trevor Sorbie heat protectant which I've replaced with this, and I feel like it's really doing my hair some good. Since I've had my hair cut, I've been trying to really take care of it and keeping it healthy, and it seems as if this is helping. Yes, or no, it is a nice, affordable product to use. I'll be telling my parents to stock up for me when they holiday in HK later this year.

Quick mention of the Bioderma in the background, "ooh hello :)" unfortunately, it didn't make it into my favourites. These products are what I've been using to death. While I do like Bioderma, I prefer to use my cheap and cheerful Garnier Make-Up Remover. If you'd like to see a review on Bioderma, please don't hesitate to ask! Because I will happily do one for you :)

Wow... So much for a quick post! I should be doing my essays! Anyway, hope you enjoyed this.
I'll try and post more often when I have time. I think it'll be a nice way to get away from college work.

For now, have a nice day everyone :)
Ciao xx

P.s. Sorry about my granny curtains!