Monday 28 May 2012

My Ideal Man

I always think about this. What is desirable in a man, and I shall highlight, in a MAN. Not a boy. Boy  Fully grown men. While studying psychology, I came across an interesting, but too much damn data to remember, case study about sex differences in mate preferences.
It claims that males and females look for different traits in the opposite sex and find different things as more desirable.
Females: Good financial prospects, Ambition and Industriousness.
Males: Youth, Beauty, Chastity.

Just how much of this is true?

Females wise, I can speak for myself and say YES. It's true as far as I'm concerned. I generally am attracted to more ambitious men who know what they want in life, and work towards it. Unlike those who are unmotivated and have no sense of direction to steer their life. I mean, how are you supposed to support your woman if you manage to find yourself one. Men should take of care of their ladies, call me traditional if you like.
Money is also attractive. Not just for materialistic factors, although I am highly materialistic, but for stability as well. Preferably, I would not like to be stressing every day thinking how am I going to feed myself and my children. I think money will give a peace of mind for some issues, but for sure, money can't buy you everything, I know that for a fact.

My own preferences however... well, they're my preferences! This is what I as an individual finds attractive in a man. So please respect if you find something disgusting which I like!

I'm not difficult to please, but is someone who is very difficult to like somebody meaningfully (LOVE). I'm not a cheesy person by the way, but I'm not afraid to use the L word.

A few things that I'm a sucker for are just simple things, hence why not difficult to please.

1. Masculine Smell
I'm really sensitive to smells, a smelly guy= instant turn off
a fresh smelling man= girl gone crazy!
I once had a strange encounter, well kind of, with a jogging man. He was covered in sweat. I was thinking, oh gosh this guy's gonna smella B.O. How flipping wrong was I! He smelt very nice indeed... It was a sweet, musty kind of smell. But yes, what they say about getting sweaty with the opposite sex is a turn on, because of the pheromones in our sweat. There's a bit of science for ya ;D

2. Smiling eyes w/ Long Eyelashes
You know the kind that when they smile, and their eyes scrunch up with a bit of glisten in them. Dark or light eyes will do the trick. Any nice eyes, I'm dead and gone to heaven. No matter how clichéd, this is a worthy one. Like the next...

3. Nice Mouth
Smiling eyes and a flashing a nice set of teeth at the same time? Oh gosh, I'm short of breath! Someone with tanner skin, which is one of my preferences, will make teeth look whiter ;)
Some nice pinky cushiony lips will be nice to kiss too!

4. BedHead
Need I explain, it's too damn sexy. If he looks like he's just got out of bed, my kinda guy! I'm more into the texturised, surfer kind of hair. Generally, I prefer longer styles in men. It'd be nice to just put your hands on...

5. Facial Hair
As in STUBBLE, not beard. Never mind if it cuts my face, it looks pretty damn hot!

Substitute that into a single male equation...........................

There we have it. A perfect example of male perfection.

Oh, a sexy deep voice, not too deep, is highly desired! Love it if he can sing well, and play guitar at the same time... Oh gosh, MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION!

For the record, I don't care all that much about a guy's body. I have body issues myself, I'd hate it if my man would beat me down for it. So why would I beat down his? However, I'd hate to have my man stand next to me, and me being chunkier than him. In my mind, the woman should be more slender than the man. But only in my mind, not to mean that it's the standard. In fact, I'd love to have a chubby male, just to cuddle and put on head on. I'd find him far less intimidating than someone with the likes of Marlon's abs... Although he is looking pretty smokingggg! Aha...

Well, dozing off again...

What does everyone else find attractive in a man? And to males, what do you find admirable in another man, that you'd like to have? I'd really like to know!

For now, night all though!

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