Saturday 18 June 2011

Knock Knock, Who's There? Doctor Oetker!

Hello, this is just a quick post on my amazing new discovery! YOGHURT.
But not just any old yoghurt, it's simply the definition of Heaven. Well for me anyway.
Got a quid and a bit to spare while at the supermarkets doing your weekly shopping, then I'd Highly recommend Dr. Oetker's Onken Wholegrain Strawberry BiopotYoghurt. It is soooo yummy! It's just really creamy strawberry yoghurt with cereals such as oats, rice, maize etc plus strawberry bits in it. The texture is really cute. I guess that's the wrong word to use, but it's just sort of fun because it has a bite to it instead of just slipping down your throat, there's something to nibble and chew on, which I personally enjoy. Of course, if you don't like that, try the regular strawberry flavour, but that means missing out on wholegrain goodness which is a massive bonus for someone like me who does NOT eat balanced meals! It's bad I know x(
I'm itching to try other wholegrain varieties of yoghurts in the same range! Peach is next on my list although I'll (mum'll) definitely be repurchasing the strawberry one hehe. But my my, they do have High sugar content.
It suggests that it should be served for breakfast with bananas and cereal / cornflakes. Sounds amazing to me! I've eaten a whole biopot to myself today, greedy pig ;) But it's just too damn good!

Try it some time! Well, rave over. Tired. Stressed. Sleepy. I better get some shnoozies...
Goedenacht x

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