Tuesday 24 May 2011

The Future's Bright ^ ^

i dont exactly know why, but today has been an especially happy day for me :) i suppose the big news for me is that got accepted into my preferred college! i was so anxious that i wouldnt because i didnt give them some legal documents which theyd requested, but its all sorted now :D
im also chuffed because i finally learnt to supress my love for shopping. i know thats typical, but its quite siginificant for me. i resisted going shopping when i was in town, even not buying a pair of £4 earrings from H&M because thats still something. but in saying that, i failed with not going food shopping. miserably. i bought so much chocolate even when i know ive put on weight over the weekend from eating like a boar... Ping your prom is lurking near, cut out the junk will you! =.= i dont think thats possible...

i also finished my final english examination today. it was such a relief to know that all english exams are done, until A Levels, because i find those hard to manage timing wise even if i can write at cheetah speed. today i was spot on with timing, unlike all the others. so, im chuffed :)

wow, i dont know whats happening recently... my belly is constantly grumbling :( i eat like a horse, really i do, but im still hungry! and im getting tired at 8 and falling asleep? thats not me. thats not the girl who has the nickname "owl" because shes nocturnal-ish. i guess id rather be though, im such a night person as opposed to morning. although im not the type to be grumpy, my head usually falls to the desk. can never seem to fall asleep though as i can never find a comfortable enough surface in school.

at the moment, im obsessed with discovering beauty products new to me which are quality and worth the price tag... i have a few :) got my eye on some for me spots >.<

bon soir x

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