Friday 31 May 2013

Tip #3: Dry Skinnnn...

Mix a thick moisturiser in your BB cream! I have such dry skin, no matter how many layers of moisturiser I put on, it's still a losing battle. For the past 2 months though, I've been mixing my Avene Rich Skin Recovery Cream with my Skin79 BB Cream (the hot pink one!) plussss my Olay Complete Touch of Foundation (Medium) as my base. Of course applying a layer of moisturiser prior to application!

What was a flaky and hyperpigmented face from leftover spots had been transformed into a more glowy, more even face. Mind you, my inflamed blemishes still peep through, but apart from that, my skin is plumped and has a dewiness to it! What the...?! How did thaat happen? :D

Then again, the root of my dry skin probably comes from within, so skincare only has so much it can do to improve my skin's appearance and feel. H2O, drink it!!! I always manage to leave my electric blanket on during the night on full power! I wake up to find my skin scaly and my mouth so dry that it sticks together, what on earth? No wonder my skin is dehydrated. So double tip, use facial products with hyaluronic acid, it will increase the level of moisture in the skin and help the skin to trap that moisture in. Of course, as mentioned before, not only will skincare help, but drink plenty of water.

Water is probably good for most things for the health of our body, but for our skin it really shows... Time to flood out those toxins...

Monday 28 May 2012

Tip #2 : Asian Stubborn Lashes

I have shortish, straight, thin Chinese lashes. Over the years, I've finally mastered how to get those buggars to stay up and curled all day, even up to a couple of days for me... When I can't be bothered removing the stuff.
My advice is: you don't need a very expensive mascara. Although brands such as Lancome are verryyy good, a simple waterproof mascara is all you need to achieve a curled long lasting look really. I highly recommend the Miss Sporty Fabulous Lash Waterproof Mascara, available at Boots. I've repurchased it many times over, and plus it's £3.29 for one! What a flipping bargain! So the tips goes, prime your lashes. I recommend using a good primer for this, Lancome do a good one called Cils Booster XL. Expensive though, but a good investment. When the primer is about dry, curl your lashes. Don't do this when lashes are still wet as the lash won't hold the curl. But invest in a good eyelash curler as well Asian ladies! The Shu Uemura one is my holy grail! I use the Cosmopolitan eyelash curler to lift my lashes first. So curl at the tips, middle, and roots. Then, using my SU eyelash curler, repeat the same process. This curler gives more of a curved finish to my lashes. From the side profile, it will look much more natural than if lashes stood straight up and hits against the eyelid. You know what I'm talking about?! Then apply a light coat of waterproof mascara first if you're going to use non waterproof formulas on lashes but wait for this to dry before applying other mascaras. I personally use all waterproof because it holds much better, and won't run as I have watery eyes. I yawn too much!
I also combine mascaras, as in I will use the primer, Miss Sporty mascara, then use a volumising mascara focusing on the roots, and finally a lengthening mascara on the ends. Before my Make Up For Ever Aqua Lash ran out, it was all I needed to use as it is an all round mascara. Unfortunately it's not available in the UK for me. I think that must be the best mascara I've ever used. But even Bioderma couldn't remove it... Vaseline does the trick though.
I just wanted to share my experience on how to beat the stubborn Asian lash syndrome, which is actually VERY annoying to others who may want to see what works for them. I see many Asian girls with good lashes, but could potentially have great looking lashes! Try it and see... It works for me, but may not work for everyone unfortunately. But hey, anything to get some flutter in those sexy eyes!

I'd love to know if it works for any of you!!!


My Ideal Man

I always think about this. What is desirable in a man, and I shall highlight, in a MAN. Not a boy. Boy  Fully grown men. While studying psychology, I came across an interesting, but too much damn data to remember, case study about sex differences in mate preferences.
It claims that males and females look for different traits in the opposite sex and find different things as more desirable.
Females: Good financial prospects, Ambition and Industriousness.
Males: Youth, Beauty, Chastity.

Just how much of this is true?

Females wise, I can speak for myself and say YES. It's true as far as I'm concerned. I generally am attracted to more ambitious men who know what they want in life, and work towards it. Unlike those who are unmotivated and have no sense of direction to steer their life. I mean, how are you supposed to support your woman if you manage to find yourself one. Men should take of care of their ladies, call me traditional if you like.
Money is also attractive. Not just for materialistic factors, although I am highly materialistic, but for stability as well. Preferably, I would not like to be stressing every day thinking how am I going to feed myself and my children. I think money will give a peace of mind for some issues, but for sure, money can't buy you everything, I know that for a fact.

My own preferences however... well, they're my preferences! This is what I as an individual finds attractive in a man. So please respect if you find something disgusting which I like!

I'm not difficult to please, but is someone who is very difficult to like somebody meaningfully (LOVE). I'm not a cheesy person by the way, but I'm not afraid to use the L word.

A few things that I'm a sucker for are just simple things, hence why not difficult to please.

1. Masculine Smell
I'm really sensitive to smells, a smelly guy= instant turn off
a fresh smelling man= girl gone crazy!
I once had a strange encounter, well kind of, with a jogging man. He was covered in sweat. I was thinking, oh gosh this guy's gonna smella B.O. How flipping wrong was I! He smelt very nice indeed... It was a sweet, musty kind of smell. But yes, what they say about getting sweaty with the opposite sex is a turn on, because of the pheromones in our sweat. There's a bit of science for ya ;D

2. Smiling eyes w/ Long Eyelashes
You know the kind that when they smile, and their eyes scrunch up with a bit of glisten in them. Dark or light eyes will do the trick. Any nice eyes, I'm dead and gone to heaven. No matter how clichéd, this is a worthy one. Like the next...

3. Nice Mouth
Smiling eyes and a flashing a nice set of teeth at the same time? Oh gosh, I'm short of breath! Someone with tanner skin, which is one of my preferences, will make teeth look whiter ;)
Some nice pinky cushiony lips will be nice to kiss too!

4. BedHead
Need I explain, it's too damn sexy. If he looks like he's just got out of bed, my kinda guy! I'm more into the texturised, surfer kind of hair. Generally, I prefer longer styles in men. It'd be nice to just put your hands on...

5. Facial Hair
As in STUBBLE, not beard. Never mind if it cuts my face, it looks pretty damn hot!

Substitute that into a single male equation...........................

There we have it. A perfect example of male perfection.

Oh, a sexy deep voice, not too deep, is highly desired! Love it if he can sing well, and play guitar at the same time... Oh gosh, MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION!

For the record, I don't care all that much about a guy's body. I have body issues myself, I'd hate it if my man would beat me down for it. So why would I beat down his? However, I'd hate to have my man stand next to me, and me being chunkier than him. In my mind, the woman should be more slender than the man. But only in my mind, not to mean that it's the standard. In fact, I'd love to have a chubby male, just to cuddle and put on head on. I'd find him far less intimidating than someone with the likes of Marlon's abs... Although he is looking pretty smokingggg! Aha...

Well, dozing off again...

What does everyone else find attractive in a man? And to males, what do you find admirable in another man, that you'd like to have? I'd really like to know!

For now, night all though!

Your Perfect Date...

So I'm sat at my dining table, after an all-nighter of "revision". I think I've inflamed my ligaments from writing so many essays in preparation for my exams. AS Levels are surprisingly difficult to adjust to, especially if you've developed BAD habits from GCSE. Total lack of motivation and revision syndrome. So I'm sitting here, listening to the birds sing at 5:26 am on this Monday, when I have a massive Psychology exam tomorrow. My mind is just wandering off... to my perfect date! And I felt like blogging this, I've missed blogging. I have loads of posts I could've done, but too little time!

I never really thought about what my perfect date would be like. You know, as in the typical cinema date so you and your date don't have think of what to say to avoid awkward moments, would be the first thing that spring into mind. But no! A film on a date? Save that for weekends cosying up man! This is just my opinion on dates, if you enjoy cinema dates, that's great! As long as you enjoy yourself, that's all that matters on a date.

I thought of other things... Posh restaurant? Candle lit dinner for two with a glass of wine and violinists playing in the background? Nahhhhh... Maybe at some point in my life, but not for the current 17 going on 18 kind of girl I am. So then, maybe pizza on a park bench? Still, no. So what the heck would be ideal date then?

ZOO. Yup, going to the zoo. I can just imagine myself, with my date, and I'd be running around dragging him along being like "oh look at that moody gorilla!", "omg a hippo!", "awww the bear is so cute, he looks like you!" you know, that kind of thing. If you've seen the grumpy King Kong in Bristol Zoo you'll probably know what I mean! I just think it'd be great, if the date location was a surprise, and my date ended up taking me to a zoo, it'd just be amazing. Simply amazing. It'd have to take someone who knows me well enough to know, I guess typically it is the cinema, or shopping. I'm known for my love of 'shop till you drop'. But dates wise, please, just anything FUN and not too try hard. Spontaneity is also good, scores highly in my books!

Moving on from dates, how about romance? Since summer seems to edging its way into the UK (YAAY!), I'm quite fancying a holiday romance. My mind seems to make up scenarios, of me on holiday and meeting someone, you know, hot out of this world is the best way to put it. But things like that just don't happen to me anyway, as if. But just imagine... You're on holiday, all sun kissed in the sun. And he's just there. He looks at you, you look at him... Sexy. You can exercise your imagination with what's to come of that. And after holiday, return to life as normal. Time to get flight booking to Brazil I'm thinking!

...And your kinda guy? My kinda guy... Marlon Teixeira. My  kinda guy... Choi Seung Hyun (TOP from Big Bang). Andy On, Takeshi Kaneshiro, Dean Fujioka, Orlando Bloom, Huang Xiao Ming... blah blah blah. So Many Guys! So what is my type? "I don't have type", as Jet Li says. I did used to. Anyone, strictly not Chinese. Which I find totally bollocks nowadays! There are plenty of amazing Chinese guys out there! I once knew one. But today, my preferences have changed so much from say, what, 3-4 years ago. Puberty sure does a lot to you physically, but psychologically too man!

Dozing off, need sleep... Will post another post soon.

Morning world while I sleep... xxxxxxxzzzzzz

Friday 17 February 2012

January Favourites

Hello everyone! So SORRY I've not been posting in such a long time. I've just been so busy and stressed that I thought that I'd take a break from it. I've missed posting all through the time I've been away, promise!
But thought I'd do a quickie post on my favourites for January, and for half of December since I came back from Hong Kong plus February... Stay tuned :)

Left of screen to Right of screen:

Vaseline Cocoa Butter Smoothing Body Butter   Boots £5.10 (currently £3.40, go grab it!)
 This was 1st introduced to me by TheGlossGoss, who was my favourite blogger but is no longer blogging :(
I trusted her opinion 100% when she recommended this. When I had 1st bought it, I tried it but didn't like the smell as I thought it was too play-doughey compared to my Palmer's Cocoa Butter which I'm so used to, and didn't use it for quite some time. I dug it out this winter and am loving it! It leaves my skin so smooth and silky. I'm quite happy to recommend this and Vaseline's Sheer Infusion body lotion which is great in the summer time.

Tony Moly Peach Anti-Aging Hand Cream   Sasa HK $55
 When I was in HK, i wasn't used to the humidity there. My skin was so dry, my face broke out, my scalp was shedding like mad! Probably contributed by using Pantene shampoo since it is too drying for my scalp. My hands were also chapping, which is crazy since they are never dry, even during winter in the UK. So I rushed into Sasa to find a hand cream, emergency! And I found this cute looking peach thing and decided to give it a shot. Wow, all I can say is Wow for the smell. Heavenly! Peaches and more peaches! Only because I love the smell, and the packaging is so adorable. But also, the cream is a great consistency and absorbs really well into my skin w/o leaving a residue. Only downside is having to scoop my fingers in to get product out... unhygienic!

Mark Hill Style Secrets Va Va Voom Blowdry Mousse  Boots £5.61
 I've been using this non stop after every time I wash my hair to give it some much needed volume. However, if you want a very voluminous look this might not be for you as I'd say it's more of a natural body giver rather than a full on volumizer. I only apply a small amount as a fraction too much and your hair will be sticky! But I've mastered how much to use and it leaves my hair soft and bodylicious. However, I can say that I can really feel and see the difference when I don't use this, my hair is much softer, but flatter and SO unmanageable. So, I love this product :)

Shu Uemura Eyelash Curler   HK International Airport $260 for set
 This is my desert island product. I cannot say enough good things about this eyelash curler... It is just, pure genius. It fits my eye shape perfectly and never tugs on my eyelid. Most of all it just gives such a gorgeous curl which really lasts! I removed my mascara and my curl was still perfectly there, and that's coming from someone with naturally straight as lashes... Love.

Make Up For Ever Aqua Smoky Lash (Black) MUFE HK $240
 The hunt for my perfect mascara has ended. I've found it... It is just Amazing, coupled with my SU eyelash curler, it is just the dream team. It does everything that a mascara should: lengthen, volumise, curl and blacken my lashes to the MAX! I've read that some people don't get along with this mascara, it personally works great for me. I've tried many high end and drugstore mascaras, but nothing compares to this. I wish it didn't dry up so quickly though and is more available in the UK! $240? Hell is this worth it!

D&G The Collection 3 L'Impératrice EDT  Boots £39
 Or should I say 3900 points ;D I was in the middle of exams so thought, why the heck not treat myself while being stressed and under so much pressure! So I went wild and spent my Boots points. This perfume is my new love. It comes in such a big bottle as well, 100ml! I've stopped using my MAC Turquatic which I adore in favour if this. I'm so glad I went for this one and not Chloe by Chloe, which is nice, but not as pretty as this! I'm addicted to smelling this. It's nothing I'd usually go for - the aquatic, floral, more crisp smells- but it smells of kiwi and watermelon and raspberry and bunches of flowers, and I don't even like flowers! Wow, gosh... Just go and smell it for yourselves :D
Only thing is, it doesn't last as well as I'd like to... Plan A: drrrrrrrench myself in it!

Soap & Glory L'Arch de Triumph Eyebrow Shaper and Highlighter  Boots £8 (Present from set)
 I've been liking a more stronger, defined brow lately and this has been doing the job really well. The only cristicism I have is that it has glitters in the shaper side so in the sun my brows are Glittering! Haha. That should be quite nice if you wish to use it on your eyelid, like the highlighter side which you could probably use for an eyeshadow primer. You could even use it on your waterline or to highlight inner corners of the eye of cupids bow. Good muti-tasking product.

M.A.C. Pro Longwear Concealor NC35 £13.50
 I ran out of my Select Cover Up so bought this instead. It is a little dark for me at the moment but will match come summer. I don't use this directly on my blemishes, but I mix it into my BB cream which is too light and ashy for me. It comes in a cute little glass bottle and gives good coverage, but I have a Love/Hate relationship with the pump. I'm glad it has a pump, but I wish I had a bit more control over it. It always dispenses out waaaay too much product, since I'm only mixing it, and it just goes to waste, or I think "oh 'eckk" and mix the whole lot in, making me look orange! That is NOT the look I'm going for.

Skin 79 Super Beblesh Balm (Hot Pink)  Colormix HK $89
 I've heard sooo much about this on YouTube, so I thought that I had to try it out! It's HOT in Korea and we all know how good Korean people's skin is don't we? Initially, I tried it in HK when my skin was awful, and it did nothing. It looked like an oily ashy mess. So I didn't touch it and grabbed my Dr. Jart+ Black Label BB Cream instead, which didn't make this list, but it did give me a slightly patchy cakey look as it was so thick but I did like it. I thought it isn't working out so gave the Skin 79 one another go and...Voila. We got on :) It looks more natural than the Dr. Jart one, and gives a smooth finish. It is buildable on problem areas if you apply thin layers, and I love the pump! A little goes a long way and it is long wearing AND gives a dewy finish. Only thing is, after wearing it for a long day, my skin goes very oily and the BB Cream is transferable. Use powder if you wish. Give it a go if you're a BB Cream virgin like I was :)

M.A.C. Impassioned (Amplified) Lipstick  £13.50
 I was on a mad one when I bought this and Myth. WHY? Why on Earth did I buy this shocking pink when I could've been sensible and bought the more reserved Shy Girl ;) In fact, I was going to buy Morange! Oh I dooo love an orange lippy! Don't get me wrong, it is a gorgeous blue fuchsia pink which whitens teeth! And makes you look so perked up and amazing, but with my blemishes it'll only make them more noticeable. I just bought it and never used it. Recently I've found a new use for it though as a cream blush. My BB Cream mutes out my natural flush just a bit more than I'd like, making me look a bit flat in the face. So I literally dab this once on my hand and apply it to my cheeks, just past my apples across my cheekbones. Applying it directly onto my apples can look cute, but will make my face appear rounder.

M.A.C. Peachstock (Satin) Lipstick  £13.50
 Remember this when it came out with Give Me Liberty of London collection a while back? I'd wanted this colour so badly but it was sold out at both MACs by me. I was devastated when I found out it was a Pro product which the nearest store is in LDN, which I hardly visit. But "daaaaaaa", it strikes again and I grabbed it! It was the last one^^ and I am in love with it. It's such a goregous peach with hints of pink and brown. It goes with my skin tone so well, about NC30, like we we're meant to be together! It gives a nice finish, like all of the other Satins, and I just dab it on. No need to line lips either. Best £13.50 I've spent in my life!

Vo5 Miracle Concentrate Elixir with Argan Oil  Boots £4.99
 This is great stuff! I've never tried any argan/moroccan oil products before and this has lived up to its hype! Well the oil hype anyway. This product specifically, has a nice smell and a cute, handy little pipette and leaves my hair feeling really silky! I just apply it after blowdrying my hair to give a really smooth, glossy finish. You don't need a lot, but since I have long, thick hair, I'm quite generous with it. It is quite light so it doesn't make my hair greasy and heavy. I will be repurchasing this since I stupidly spilt half the bottle onto the carpet!

Shiseido Tsubaki Water Mist with Tsubaki Oil EX   HK Mannings $68
 This sprays amazingly! Sounds funny, but I've been thought many spray products which come out as a squirt or a shower or nothing at all! This gives a really fine mist of product which is great because you want to distribute evenly in your hair. It smells really pleasant, not that strong alcoholic smell like my Trevor Sorbie heat protectant which I've replaced with this, and I feel like it's really doing my hair some good. Since I've had my hair cut, I've been trying to really take care of it and keeping it healthy, and it seems as if this is helping. Yes, or no, it is a nice, affordable product to use. I'll be telling my parents to stock up for me when they holiday in HK later this year.

Quick mention of the Bioderma in the background, "ooh hello :)" unfortunately, it didn't make it into my favourites. These products are what I've been using to death. While I do like Bioderma, I prefer to use my cheap and cheerful Garnier Make-Up Remover. If you'd like to see a review on Bioderma, please don't hesitate to ask! Because I will happily do one for you :)

Wow... So much for a quick post! I should be doing my essays! Anyway, hope you enjoyed this.
I'll try and post more often when I have time. I think it'll be a nice way to get away from college work.

For now, have a nice day everyone :)
Ciao xx

P.s. Sorry about my granny curtains!

Wednesday 10 August 2011

On Your Marks, Get Set...Shop!

This post is just about some of the stuff I've bought over the past two weeks or so. I hardly have any time to shop, despite it being my summer break from education. Monday is my family day, and either tuesday or wednesday is my rest day before a work-a-thon from thursday to sunday - meaning I only have one day a week to shop on either tuesdays or wednesdays. Shopping has become a real treat for me, as well as a chore. Buying clothes and shoes, jewellery etc has been the bliss. But buying nifty everyday things such as cotton pads, face wash, shampoo, bubble bath, deodorant has been a real pain and nibbles at my wallet at a surprisingly alarming rate.

I've started accumulating some new clothes ready to start college in september, and also for my upcoming holiday to Prague. I am not somebody who likes wearing the same clothes repeatedly, unless they're style staples like jeans, or a white t shirt/shirt, wear-everywhere heels, go-with-everything bag. Basically, my investment pieces. It's not like I'll be wearing something totally different and new everyday, I just need interchangeable pieces that can create different looks.

Here are some of my purchases. Please excuse the creased mess and amateur photography. Oh, and the weed print bedding throughout sorry!

Top Left of Screen to Right:

H&M Parka Size 8 £19.99  £10
H&M White T-Shirt Size 6  £3.99
New Look Mustard Peter Pan Collar Blouse Size 8  £14.99 (my first blouse!)
H&M Dusky Rose Vest Top (Unwanted!) Size S £3.99


H&M Beige Jersey Crop Top Size 6  £6.99

I've rekindled my love for a basic white t shirt which I can dress up or dress down. I can't believe it has taken me over 6 months to repurchase one of these after my previous one turned off-white. A white t is the ultimate no-brainer for me when I just want to throw on for a casual day out. Apparently, men love it when women just wear the white t-shirt and jeans combo. I forgot where I read that, but I read similar articles on a regular basis. I am also loving(!) my mustard blouse, it's my colour of the moment, makes me look very tanned and keeps me cool on sunny days out - great buy. It comes in other colours too if you're interested. And I don't know why I bought the vest, I don't even like it!

L-R of Screen:

Rare @ Topshop Mustard Skater Belt Dress Size 8  £32
H&M Putty/Mushroom Jersey Button Through Vest (Unloved!)  Size 6  £7.99
Florence+Fred @ Tesco Checked Vest Size 6  £8  £4

I wore the mustard dress to my brother's graduation, and it was perfect. He was very happy with my choice. The fit was amazing on me, and flattered even if it was body con. It was just the length that let me down, because I'm such a midget. I folded the excess length under the belt. I would definitely recommend this for formal outings, but the sizing is weird, so you'll have to find the correct size rather than going for your actual dress size. I don't like the button through vest either, and funnily enough, I bought it at the same time as my vest which I also don't like. Looks like I was having a bad day...

L-R of Scrn:

Tesco Candy Stripe Pyjama Short  Size 8-10  £5  £2.50
Tesco Red Check Frilly Pyjama Short  8-10  £5  £2.50
H&M Navy Trouser Size 6  £12.99
Zara Core Denim Premium Jean  Size 34  £25.99
TopShop Petite Leigh Super Soft Ankle Grazer  Size W25L28 (Petite 6)  £36

I am a massive fan of TopShop jeans! I think these Leigh jeans are the best jeans I have ever bought! They fit so well, like a glove, and are so comfortable! The wash goes very well with the rest of my wardrobe and very classic. I can easily tuck tops/shirts into these without it showing through in lump and bumps around my hips. Most of all, they're a great length :) I've been buying a lot of trousers lately, to match the amount of tops that I have. I love buying jeans. TopShop are my best choice from the Petite section. Zara are nice too, affordable, but too long for me. I like how jeans can be dressed up or down and still look good. A great, flattering pair of jeans to me makes a great foundation/base for an outfit. I am also a shorts lover. They are so comfy to wear^^ I don't have great legs but I still love to wear them. The candy stripe ones somehow remind me of Rihanna! Weird.

Brantano Red Strip Canvas Bag £8
Next Black Satin Clutch Bag (With Chain) £22
Zara Red Woven Duffle Bag £25.99

I'm really liking the Zara duffle bag. I'm experimenting with different shapes - gradually shifting away from my usual structured satchel or "Birkin" shaped bags. The canvas red bag is for college, and my clutch was for my school Prom. There's another bag that I want from Zara too, you'll see that in another blog post I promise you. But here's a closer view of the weave on my duffle...

Ta-Da! I like how it's red, a big step away from my tan, white, or black, neutral bags.

L-R of Scrn:
Jasper Conran @ Debenhams Linen Mix Loafers Size 4  £45  £22.50
Urban Outfitters Tan Boat Shoes Size 4 £32  £20
TopShop Macy Lace Up Fur Boots Size 4  £36

It has been a while since I've bought shoes, and boy did I miss it! I love love love the Macy Boots. The thick plastic sole reminds me of Dr. Martens. They are going to be my saviour in the winter, can't wait to wear them! I also want to get a pair of heeled fur lined boots from H&M, watch them come up in another post too. I love boat shoes for summer. Nautical is one of my most favourite trends/styles. I think it looks so playful and cute and fits summer perfectly. The loafers are great for a more preppy/boyish look, but squash my feet a bit. I will try to stretch them with ice.

(Excuse my wild strand of hair!)

Urban Outfitters Small Silver Cross Bracelet £6
Forever 21 Ring £3.90 (souvenir)

I Love the bracelet! It's delicate but is just enough to accessorise my outfits. It has become one of my permanent jewellery (one which I don't take off). I haven't been lucky enough to visit the F21 in London yet, but will do in the future.

L-R of Scrn:

L'Oreal Dermo-Expertise Gentle Eye Make-Up Remover  Asda £2
Olay Complete Care Touch of Foundation Medium  Boots £10.20
Olay Complete Care Multi Radiance Cream  Tesco Extra £7.65 £3.70
The Sacntuary Spa Warming Micro Brasion Polish   Boots £12.25 £7.25 (£5 off voucher)

Finally repurchased my favourite tinted moisturiser, I can't live without it! I couldn't find the L'oreal De-Maq Eye and Lip Make-Up Remover. I felt that one is the closest to Lancome's Bi Facil without the price tag, although a little goes a long way. Both are great make up removers. The one that I bought is alright, but requires more time to remove make up than the other ones mentioned. The radiance cream leaves my skin very soft and glowy! So far, I'm still trialling with the microbrasion polish. I was originally going to buy the Vitamin C one from The Body Shop. I feel like it has broken me out, but I'm not sure yet. My intention was to lightly resurface my skin because of my acne marks. Fingers crossed that it'll work it's magic...

Colgate Max White One Tesco £4.71 £2

Whitens one shade in one week... Bring it on green tea stains muahaha ^.~

One Day by David Nicholls Hardback    Borrowed from Brother (WHSmith £12.99)
The Way We Were by Elizabeth Noble    Asda £3.97

Can't wait to finish my towering pile of unread books, although I still carry on buying them!

That's it for now, will post some more entries up soon xxx

Thursday 28 July 2011

Tip Of The Day #1

I just had a random burst of want to do this quick post. Just sharing a quick tip for make up...

When I use my tinted moisturiser, which contains a touch of foundation initially, if I require even more coverage, I mix a drop of concealer into it. I use Olay Complete Care Touch of Foundation in Medium and MAC Select Cover in NC42. It gives me much more coverage without using an actually foundation, and is much better of a colour match as the tinted moisturiser is too light and the concealer is too dark. Apparently I'm NC42 at one MAC, and NC30 at another MAC... strange. But that's one of my tips anyway!

Happy mixing :D x

A Shot of Moisture Please

I've been wanting to do a post about body moisturisers for ages now. Maybe because I think that it is such an important step to achieving and maintaining beautiful, soft skin. Of course, moisturiser alone isn't going to do all the work, you need to drink plenty of water, eat a healthy balanced diet etc. But moisturising does surely make a massive difference to the appearance and texture of my skin.
My skin on my body is quite dry, especially on my limbs, so I like to apply a body moisturiser after I have washed. Your skin absorbs products best 5 minutes after coming out of the shower or bath. I apply it immediately after patting myself dry with a towel, never rub your skin!
I've used moisturisers since I was very little, and I've been through quite a number of bottles in my time. I've come across some really effective ones in the past few years, and I still use them although I like to alternate what I use and at the same time, try new products out.

I'd just like to share some products which work for my skin and recommend. Ahem, excuse the rubbish photography, the camera has been robber by my sister.

L-R (of screen):
Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula Lotion with SPF15    Boots £5.10
Palmer's Coconut Milk Formula Coconut Body Butter     Boots £4.99
Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula Body Lotion    Boots £3.77

I absolutely LOVE the Palmer's ranges. The Cocoa Butter range is my favourite because it smells so yummy and moisturises my skin so well. I love the pink packaging of the Original formula because well, it looks really girlie and cute but it's to support Breast Cancer. Supporting a good cause is always a bonus for me. I like to use all three of these during the colder, winter months because they are quite thick in texture. They feel very buttery and take a little bit more effort than my other moisturisers to rub into my skin. The coconut body butter is great to make your clothes and bed smell nice and coconutty! In a good way. On my skin though it smells like coconut, but has a plasticy quality to it. I don't know if anybody else can smell it, can you if you've tried it before? All of the products above are very smoothing and softening on my skin. I think they're good quality, affordable products.

Aveeno Moisturising Creamy Oil (with Sweet Almond Oil)    Boots £7.14
Aveeno Daily Moisturising Lotion     Boots £5.46

I think this brand offers great quality products. I've repurchased the daily moisturising lotion many many times and I can't wait to buy the lavender version of the creamy oil. The daily lotion is great for maintaining moisture levels in the skin. It contains oats which is very good for the skin, because it calms and hydrates. A lot of people actually rub oats onto their faces and Lush even have an oat face mask, Oatifix.
I apply the creamy oil everytime after shaving because it just makes my legs super smooth and soft! I can't stop stroking my own legs if I'm being honest. It's very light and absorbs very quickly into the skin. A little goes a long way. I also like the pump dispenser, it's just more convenient for me. There's also a gentle sweet fragrance which I like. I've been using this a lot during this summer, definitely will repurchase! Probably one of my favourite moisturisers.

Jergens Naturals Skin Firming Body Moisturiser (with Pomegranate)     Boots £5.10

The scent of this is very fruity, but I wouldn't say fresh. It's more like sweet fruit to me, but still nice to use in the morning. I do not have cellulite, which it claims to reduce the appearance of, so I can't judge this lotion from that point of view. However, I do like this moisturiser, it is not one of the best that I've used, but the fact that it's made from 96% natural ingredients had won me over. I'm a supporter of anything organic, natural, for good causes, animal cruelty free, paraben free, mineral oil free. Just the nasty stuff really. There came a time when I was obsessed with this lotion, but I don't use it as often now. I re-used it the other day, an attempt to finish off nearly-finished bottles of moisturiser, and mixed it with some of my Aveeno Daily Moisturising Lotion (mentioned above) and the next day when I woke up, my skin was incredibly soft! The results were actually beyond my belief. Highly recommend that you try that combination, although I don't know how different skin requirements will respond to this. I enjoy mixing moisturisers now, it's more fun :)

Vaseline Cocoa Butter Smoothing Body Butter    Boots £5.10
Vaseline Sheer Infusion Botanical Blend Body Lotion    Boots £5.10

(Notice how many lotions are £5.10? :D )
SORRY, I cannot comment on the smoothing body butter since I have not tried it yet. I have too many unfinished products and I can't open yet another one! I've heard many good things about it though, so I'm quite excited to try it out during winter. I tend to use body Butters in the winter because my skin gets much drier and thirsty.
However, I can say, that the sheer infusion is a must have for me now. It is my life saver for when I'm in a rush out of the shower. I can quickly get dressed as this absorbs so quickly and is so light. This also comes in two other versions, Vitamin Burst (orange), and Mineral Renew (pink). I thought the other two smelt more synthetic and plasticy, so I opted for the more naturous, botanical one. I don't have a problem with the smell, although it's not the best smelling moisturiser which I own. This never fails to deliver great results every time. My skin is so soft and smooth, so much so that when I brushed past someone once they complimented on how soft my skin was! My skin is soft and smooth for a few days after application, and it feels truly hydrated. What I mean by that is not just the surface is moisturised, but deeper down, like the selling point of this. Using Stratys3 technology, it penetrates to the 3 levels of the skin giving deeper, longer lasting hydration. Absolutely love this, it leaves my skin glowing!

Korres Guava Body Butter    Korres £5

I really like the formula of this butter. It's not too rich or thick, it's very smooth and the consistency is just right. The results are good as I'm left with soft, nourished skin. However, I'm let down by the initial smell of this butter. It's just a bit weird to me, not that it isn't nice, it's just weird. Is that actually how a guava smells like? I like to smooth this down my drier areas after applying other lotions on my knees and elbows and down my shins. Apparently with long term use, it will help to fade stretch marks. I bought the smallest version, at 50ml, and I feel that it isn't exactly value for money. I'd be happy to say that for the bigger versions, 150ml at £12.50. The pump bottle for the larger version also looks a lot better. But this is great to chuck into my handbag if I'm feeling any dry patches on my body while I'm out. I do like Korres as a brand very much for it's morals and use of natural ingredients. This product contains no parabens and is not animal tested. Yay!

St. Tropez Step 2 Body Moisturiser (old packaging)     Birmingham Clothes Show Live £6

I quite like this moisturiser because of the botanical oils it contains. I like the botanical smell of this because it isn't sweet or feminine, which I sometimes prefer. I like masculine scents for women, but not smelling like an actual male. I can tell that this moisturiser is a bit more luxurious than most of the others from the application/ formula. I don't know why. My skin is left feeling intensely hydrated, and smooth. It's also used to lighten the St. Tropez Step 3 to customize the colour intensity.

Speaking of tanning, I used to be a fake tan fanatic. I'd pile on layer after layer of tanning lotions to be brown, and I was brown. I've used several good tanning creams and gradual tans out of the many that I've tried. I've tried Dove Summer Glow, Garnier Summer Body, Piz Buin Self Tanning Lotion, St. Tropez, Johnsons Holiday Skin, L'Oreal Nutri Summer etc. Wow, loads, but I can't remember them all.

Here are a few that I will talk about.

L'Oreal Nutri Summer Tone Up Medium Skin      Superdrug £7.99
Elle Macpherson The Body Sun Kissed Body Balm     (discontinued from Boots) Available online
St. Tropez Everyday Body (old packaging)     Birmingham Cloths Show Live  £6
L'Oreal Nutri Summer Tone Up Fair Skin        Superdrug £7.99

My favourite must be the L'oreal Nutri Summers. They give a nice colour, but is slightly orange toned. It leaves your skin very moisturised and soft. If care has been taken during application, this will not streak. It contains very fine shimmers, to myself, I don't know if anybody else sees that? This does smell quite like a tanning product in my opinion, and it does leave the "cookie" smell, as people call it. I liked to use the medium version on the first application and then build up the intensity of my tan with the fair version. That way, I won't be full frontal orange. These gradual tanners contain caffeine which is great for if you have cellulite. I can't judge these products on that since I don't have any. The texture is lovely though, like a gel-milk as described.

I really like some of the products from the Elle Macpherson range. I love her Fruit and Honey Exfoliator a lot, will post about my exfoliators soon. I remember using this body balm and seeing how bronzed and glowy my skin was. I don't exactly remember what this product was sorry, it was not a gradual tanner in my memory though. I think it is more of an instant product where you can apply it and have a tint of colour and shimmer. I loved the smell of this, it smells of sweet limes. I don't know how this will look on fairer skins but I'd say if you had a medium skintone and used this, your skin would be given a great boost and would look fab! Darker skintones may find this a bit too orangey bronze, although it could potentially brighten and perk up your skin?

Well finally, the world famous St. Tropez. All I can say is it left my skin very strokably soft and smooth. I'd gained a deep tan within 1-2 applications! My sister commented on how orange my legs looked too. This does also have the "cookie" smell. I still have a nearly full bottle... I might give it away to my sister since I don't use fake tan anymore. I still want a tan though, so instead I sunbathe. But I make sure I use sun protection of at least SPF20. You might be thinking "how can you tan using a high sun protection factor?"? My sister asks me that too. I tend to choose sun protectors that are tanning accelerators also. That way, I don't compromise on getting a tan, and having protection against the sun.

Anyway, OOTD coming up soon too^^ and a haul.

Goodnight all x

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Leave the Flaking to the Corn

I have dry skin. Dry skin which is annoyingly flakey and patchy at times, and at other times, oiling like chicken balls. It varies during different seasons I guess. Currently, my skin is dry and oily, which I call my dry combo skin. I have dry cheeks and oily cheeks. Does that make sense? Yes, in my case yes. Around the outer edges of my face, (forehead, jaw, chin etc) it is significantly drier than the centre of my face. My oiliest places are my groves next to my nose and the cheek area around it. My pores are weirdos. My nose can go either way, oily of dry, even in summer sometimes. My forehead is also a mess, with it being oily between my brows but dry by my hairline. Oh, the joys of teenage -,-'

But thankfully, I have lotions and potions on hand to assist me on combatting my shitty skin. This is just a post on moisturisers. All products purchased by me, unless somebody wants to buy them for me!
I like buying new skincare and trying out what works for my skin and is actually effective. I don't like to spend my money on something that doesn't do what it claims to do and upsets my skin as well as my wallet. Purse I mean although wallet sounds better.

L to R (of the screen)
Vichy Normaderm Tri-Activ Anti Imperfection Hydrating Care £11.74 for 50ml  Boots
Amie Morning Dew Matte Finish Moisturiser £4.95 for 90g  John Lewis
La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo £13.00 for 40ml  Boots

The Vichy one first. I have to say, out of anything to say about it. I love the smell of it! It just smells really nice and not sickening or too medicinal. If only all of my creams smelt like this... The texture is like a gel-cream. The texture is just right for me. It hydrates my skin well. Even oily areas need moisture, that is very important. If you don't moisturise oily areas, your glands will just produce more sebum to compensate and will therefore make your skin even oilier! It's like good technology, but annoying technology. Like word prediction in my opinion. By all means, you need to find a good moisturiser according to your skin type and needs. This moisturiser is good for me because it claims to target imperfection, which I have a lot of. It claims to have a triple action of targeting enlarged pores, blemishes and oily skin. I'd definitely tick off oily skin, it balances my dry and oil areas and makes my skin more within the normal bracket. Blemishes, it does help in some way, although it is not totally effective alone, used in conjunction with other products such as the Anti-Imperfection Concentrate from the same range is better. I felt like this didn't do much for my pores, and certainly didn't help with my blackheads like it claims to target. I did feel like it did something for me though. I've finished this bottle and am contemplating whether to repurchase. I think in time of a 3 for 2 skincare offer I will. I don't have the money at the moment for this. I usually buy a moisturiser for a fiver while this is over 2x of the price of that one. It's quite steep for a kid like me. The pump is a bit of a nuisance though. Do not pump a full pump unless you have a HUGE face. It tends to dispense too much product which makes it use up faster. Half a pump is enough for me.

I'd say it has just about scraped a 4/5

Amie is a skincare line designed for young skin. I haven't tried any other of their products apart from their yellow moisturiser, which is my Holy Grail moisturiser! I must've repurchased it about ten times. I think it must be the softness of my skin after I use it, it's like a baby bummifier for my face. I've grown to like the smell. It's not disgusting, but it's not exactly a nice smell. It reminds me of nature, like a leafy grassy smell. I guess it is a morning dew moisturiser after all. It's quite fresh, but not refreshing. With this moisturiser, a little goes a long way. It is easily smoothed onto my skin, and a squashed pea amount is enough for my face and lightly on my neck. I find this does mattify any shine I have and leaves my skin ever so soft. Even my guy friend when he used it loved how soft his skin was. Male skin is thicker than ours, and so if he finds it soft, it sure is a hit product. I've never had any trouble with this, it never irritates or breaks me out. It's just so gentle and soft. I'd be happy to use this for the rest of my life. The little tube is also good for when I'm out and about in school. When my face is dry I just dab some on and it's sorted. I also like mixing my MAC select cover up concealer into it to make a tinted moisturiser. I can add more or less moisturiser to customise the colour too. I have not a bad thing to say about this Amie moisturiser. Love it!

I'd give it a 5/5! *squeal and clap*

La Roche-Posay is new to me. But so far so good, I'm actually liking it. This is one of the products which I can see visible results with. This claims to unclog and purify pores. It's also like the Vichy and targets imperfections for clearer, more healthier looking skin. I initially hated the smell. It was just weird and medicinal. But because of the effectiveness of the product, that is forgiven. The texture of this very watery gel so is extremely spreadable, meaning you don't have to use much! I literally just squeeze out a little line and that'll be enough for my face. It's very light and feels very pleasant to apply on the skin. My skin is instantly hydrated and soft. It feels really gentle and soothing. It is only 40ml of product for £13, but I feel the quality makes it worth it, and how you only need a little. It should last me longer than my Vichy, fingers crossed. I like the packaging also, it doesn't look expensive, but looks cheaply elegant. Funny description Ping, but I do know what I mean. I don't like the white, but it looks simple and clinical. I like it but I don't.

A strong 4.5/5

So there you go, some of my moisturisers. Hope you found some of these helpful :)

Bye for now xxx

Monthly Favourites: June

This is a post about my favouritisms for the month of June. Some of these products are my permanent favourites, and some, my Holy Grail.
Top, L of screen to R:
Toni & Guy Paddle Brush £8 Boots
Umberto Giannini The Morning After £5.61 Boots
Lipton Ice Tea Peach (and Lemon) £1.26
Korres Sweet Orange Sunscreen Face and Body Emulsion SPF 25 IT SEEMS TO BE UNAVAILABLE :'(
Trevor Sorbie Beautiful Volume Hairspray £5.10 Boots
Trevor Sorbie Straightened Blow Dry Heat Defense Spray £5.10
Aussie Miracle Hair Insurance Leave in Conditioner £3.67 Boots
Mark Hill Va Va Voom Blow Dry Mousse £5.61 Boots
Aveeno Moisturising Creamy Oil (Almond Scented) £7.14 Boots
Bottom, L of screen to R:
Lancome Juicy Tubes in Hip Hop Apricot £14.50 Boots
Eau Thermal Avene Water Spray 50ml £3.15 Boots
Olay Complete Care Touch of Foundation in Medium 50ml £5 Asda
Glade Scented Candle in Relaxing Zen £3.36 Sainsbury's
Sudocrem 125g £2.80 Boots
Apple iPod Touch 2G 8GB £149 Apple (CURRENTLY UPGRADED TO 3rd GEN.)

Wow, a lot of favourites hehe. I'll go through them one by one in the order that I've listed them.

Recently, I've been brushing my hair. Yes, you read correctly. I have very long hair but I hardly brush it. I find it gives my naturally annoyingly straight hair some much needed volume and texture instead of it being limp and too sleek. I find it extremely hard to style with it being tidy and clean - Nightmare! But now that time is coming sooner that I will cut my hair, sorry I don't know if that made sense, I feel like I need to give it a good goodbye. The paddle brush is keeping my hair sleek and soft, and it has been a while since it has been feeling that way. So I've been enjoying brushing my hair ^_^

The Morning After is my absolute HG dry shampoo. FORget Batiste! This is the powder we should all be reaching for, not crack. It smells very floraly, which I understand not everyone will like. I was one of those people, but I learnt to like the smell, and I am very fussy on smells for products. The product is so good that the smell doesn't even matter. It's like nail varnish stinks, but for a polished mani, we care not. The product never leaves my hair grannified and powdery, and I have black hair. It's just great for when I have greasy roots, or needs a bit of a freshen up and lift. It texturises my hair well too. I've gone through bottles of this, I always take advantage of when Boots have a £2 off professional haircare voucher. This is always on my list, but another I could recommend is the Trevor Sorbie Beautiful Volume Dry Shampoo £5.10. Mind you, if anything, I work in a take away so I could put my hand up and say I have experience in cutting hair grease with dry shampoo ;)

It's summer, when everybody is out and about, and sweating like pigs on a spit roast. You know, we all get the picture. But let's not forget to hydrate ourselves. 2L plus of H20 a day is essential in summer. I drink water all the time. But in Summer, I prefer something a bit more refreshing and "summery", what better than ice tea? It's just really refreshing to be out sunbathing and drining a glass of ice tea with ice. But on the go, it'd be better to grab a bottle of Lipton. It's so yummy, I like the peach because it's one of my favourite fruits. But I also like the lemon, which reminds me of Vita Lemon Tea (Chinese drink in a carton) which I drank from since I was a tot. Warning, it does have a LOT of sugar though, and maybe because of that leaves a funny taste in your mouth. Sometimes, that's enough for me to say no to it - I can't stand a bad tasting mouth! Pass the Extra. As a matter of fact, I'm actually sipping one as I type.
I feel depressed over not being able to find this product anymore. I really enjoy using this as it makes me really tanned! A huuuge set back was the smell though. I am fussy. It just stinks, in my opinion anyway. But once rubbed into the skin, it leaves a lovely glistening and it's just so pretty! It makes your skin look amazing and glowy in the sun. But again, it stinks and leaves the smell on your clothes. Mine bottle also squirted out rather than spray which was slightly annoying as it goes all over my carpet (apply before exposure to sun). But overall a great product which has protected me well through the sunny days - I haven't burnt AND I've tanned.

This is one of my favourite hairsprays. I've tried Elnett, Tresemme, Wella etc. But I like this one best. I love the smell of this and how fine the spray comes out. It does leave hair slightly crunchy if you spray a lot and too close to the hair too, but that's just hairsprays, right? My gosh, I've gone through bottles and bottles of this! The Tresemme smell is just unbearably sickening to me may I just add. I forgot how Elnett performed but if it was good, surely I'd repurchase it? Although I have several times, I still forgot. But this TS hairspray is great for me, it hold my curls well, but they do drop a little, which I like to make my look more natural and effortless. It supposed to add shine too, bonus.

I've recently started to blow dry my hair again. For a long period of time I left my hair to dry naturally while I slept. My mum strongly opposed to that as I will get headaches she says. I get them anyway. I always feel the need to protect my hair when heat styling. I don't want frazzled hair! But I'll take the crips because I love them. The spelling mistake was intentional because that is how I pronounce "crisps", crips. I hate saying it properly, I could say Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper with more ease than "crisps". I find the product does protect my hair and limits the amount of damage I do to my hair, curling tongs are the main culprit. I always use a low heat on the hair dryer, cold blast if you must - it supposed to make your hair shine, but then so does sex. I love the fact that the smell of this product is quite perfumed and alcoholic when applied but is really faint after heat styling. I prefer my nicer smelling products to be smelt by passers by and not alcohol that'll make me seem like a boozy child.

I've wanted a leave in conditioner for a while now. I've eyed up some from Aussie as well as Charles Worthington. I was a fan of CW a few years ago but I found that the Aussie ones were more higher rated and more popular, so I figured it'd be wise to go with the better one. Firstly, Aussi products smell really really good! I really like their Mega Shampoo, my current combo is that and Herbal Essences Hello Hydration Conditioner. Thumbs Up. This makes my hair smell slightly plastic on application, but after blow drying, smell very fruity and bubblegummy, nom nom. It did do something, but not as much as I liked although it did make my hair a bit more soft. It did not improve manageability for me though since the messier the better for me.

I have very long hair. Yes, that means that the sheer weight of the hair weighs itself down. So, my solution would be to either get a pricey haircut... or a mousse. Mousse please :) I bought this mousse a while ago, but have been glad to be reaching for it again. It is surprisingly good, providing you've used the right amount for your hair. I remember putting too much on and my hair being so disgustingly sticky and Flllat even! It was gross. You just have to master the amount to apply for your hair. I wouldn't recommend putting this particular mousse past eye or ear level, it's best focused on the roots of the hair to give max volume from the product. It smells really fruity, like fake apples. It gives me texture at the roots also and injects some volume, great buy!

I'm a moisturising addict. I love buying body butters, creams, lotions, oils and gel, whatever. As long as it makes my skin soft and hydrated. One of my criterias is that it has to be fast absorbing. I like getting dressed immediately after moisturising. This cream oil allows me to do that. The texture is very light. It's not even thaat creamy. It applies really smoothly and spreads well. I love the gentle fragrance, it's soothing and yummy. Almonds are good for your skin! This leaves your skin surprisingly soft and smooth, providing you have no hair, despite it's light texture. I find it's great for summer, or winter even. It's a cream oil, but is not oily at all. I do like Aveeno creams, they're good quality.

I find lips sexy. Lips I just automatically think of kissing. So we all love to sex up our lips a bit. Nothing can more than lip gloss. It just makes lips look undeniably sexy and plump and juicy. It sounds like I'm selling peaches or something -.-' But you know what I mean... Example? Angelina Jolie. Enough said. I personally like more of a peachy or nude lip. The orangey colour allows me to do either with this gloss. For a nude lip, the colour is sheer and gives lips a naturally nudey colour without me looking like a crack addict. For the peachy lip, it adds more colour and brightens it up. It also tastes yummy, of apricots, and is very thick and juicy. It lasts a long time even if I've drank and eaten, not too much. I do get the frequent hair in gloss dilemma though which is really annoying. My hair is crazy so it's just inevitable even when it's just a light breeze which passes...

I love shopping. Shopping to me is exercise. Exercise produces heat. Especially when I'm trying on a lot of clothes and in really hot shops with no air con D: nightmare. That's why I love this so much. When I overheat while shopping, I grab this water spray and mist it over my face. It instantly refreshes my face leaving if cool and comforted. It does not irritate my skin, ruin my make up or do anything that it shouldn't do. It's suitable for sensitive skin also and for soothing sunburns. I bought the smaller can so that I can carry it on the go in my bag. It's just so gentle and handy, summer/ beach must have!

I don't wear foundation, but I wear a touch of foundation. I have spots, so I need some kind of coverage without using full on make up make up. I thought this would be perfect, coverage and care! My kind of product. Medium is a bit light for me, but it's not very noticeable. It claims to not clog pores, and I haven't had any trouble of it breaking me out. I do love the smell and texture of this, I don't really know much about higher end lower end skin care, but to me it seems quite luxurious. It does deliver some moisture to me skin but not enough in some drier areas such as my cheeks. It also makes my skin quite shiny, not radiant, sometimes. It also doesn't cope well in heat, oily again. My skin type is dry-combo. But this has served me well, not HG, but a much loved product.

There's something very soothing about watching a flame flicker. I like watching matches, lighters, candles, stoves etc flicker. It makes me feel calm, and dreamy. I also love nice smelling things! Smell could turn me right on, or turn me right off. So I figured scented candles are a match made in heaven for me. I love the smell of this candle, it is a fresh, clean and relaxing kind of smell, which sometimes is reminiscent of toilet/bathrooms when smelt out of the box. But once burnt just smells amazing. I have the candle on my bed side table and randomly, I'd catch whiffs of this and think it smells so good. The jar is also quite nice, nothing special though. Good home buy though.

Nappy rash cream. Yes, but not really. I'm not a baby, I put it on my face. Arseface. I use this for my spots, and cuts i get. I apply a splodge on my spots at night before I sleep and wipe it off in the morning if it's still there. I find it does reduce the size and swelling of some and the smaller ones of my spots. I sometimes use it as a mask and just apply it all over my face. This can be a bit drying for me though. The smell of this has really grown on me! It should be a lavender scent according to the ingredients. Teenagers should give this a try, a lot of people swear by it, such as the likes of Cheryl Cole, who has really good skin.

I don't know where I'd be without Pod. I think I'd be like a sheep in the middle of New York City. It goes everywhere with me. I just can't live without music. Pod has ran out of memory space though. I have too many Abba songs x( just kidding. I just have a lot of apps. At the moment I'm really enjoying Cows VS. Aliens, and Run, Run Chicken. Both are free... do I ever pay for apps? No. Pod is like my walking diary. It knows all of my secrets and has been through a lot of my personal events with me. My notes alone probably take up a gigabyte. But yeah, Pod, I love him. After I dropped him in the toilet and he was once as iFish/ iTurd, I love him even more. I bet he's happy I'm giving him a little spotlight. I always have him on powersave, very low brightness.

Well, there you have it, my June Faves. I hope you understood my layout, not to offend your intelligence.
Moisturisers post coming up soon.

Anyway, DRINK UP!

Monday 11 July 2011

Bitties and Bobbies

Rise and shine sleeping beauties! I went to Bridgend today, where I used to live a good 10 years ago. It was so surreal seeing my old home and talking to my old neighbours. They were absolutely lovely. I really enjoyed being down this memory lane. It put me in a really good mood, the sun was shining also.
After, I went to McArthurGlen and picked up a few things. This post is about those things and a few more other things... Very well said Ping =.= Excuse my English.

This is the haul. Excuse Phone sitting on my tee. So there's some food, books, jewellery, a lipstick and a t shirt.

Food. My true love. Junk mostly, although I do like healthy foods too. So I have some snack packs of brazil nuts and apricots from Julian Graves, 3 snack packs for £1.25. Some Cadbury's Bournebille OLD JAMAICA, which is dark chocolate with rum and raisin. Now, I'm not a keen one for raisins but it goes really well with my "treat". For many people, this would be a treat. But for someone who has cake and ice cream for breakfast, it is hardly one. Yes, I am a pig I know, but I enjoy food. I don't think... oh shit! there's an extra 6 pounds on my waist. It's food, just eat it for God's sake... that's what I think, until my belly starts to hang over my leggins.
Jewellery... The golden flower ring is from Debenhams for £1.80. The orange and purple rings are a twin pack from H&M. Yes, they were thrown in. But the two bracelets were from Claire's in McArthurGlen. It was 30% from the high street price. Two were reduced from £8.50 to £5.95. Bargain! I should've got more. Claire's bring back so many memories from when I was little, I used to spend nearly all my money on things from Claire's! I hardly shop there now, but I really like my purchases. The orange bracelet is orange strawy strings with a silver peace sign and the other is a charm bracelet. I am a sucker for charm bracelets. My favourite one is def my Johnny Loves Rosie one which my best friend gave me for my birthday. I'm looking to buy one from Pandora, but is it worth it? Anyway, the charm bracelet is really "kawaii", an Asian term for cute basically. It has rubbery plastic charms which are doughnuts, chips, burgers, pop and ice cream... SO me, but minus the pop because I don't drink fizzy drinks.
I was especially excited about the NYX Lipstick. We don't really have NYX in the UK. But only in some places. I always hear about their products on YouTube and want to try some for myself. I got the NYX Round Lipstick in Pumpkin Pie for £1.97! Amazing! I've always wanted that one for as long as I knew about MAC Peachstock when it came out with the Liberty of London collection a while ago now. I couldn't get my hands on it and somebody recommended this one instead as a dupe. I don't think it's a "dupe" but I do like the colour. I think Orange Soda would be a better dupe tbh. The lipstick is really smooth on application. It's a lovely peach based frosty lipstick. To me it has a very pinky quality to it. On me, it looks darker and pinkier than suggested in the tube.
I tried to catch the colour as as true as possible, but Fail. Excuse the bruise looking shadow also. Ping is such a bad photographer!

The Rolling Stones t shirt is from Gap in the men section. I am not a cross dresser although I do like to wear men's clothing. However, I do not intend to look like a male species. The top was slashed from £16.99 to £8.45. That's very good, although I realised it was jersey material after I bought it =.= I bought it in a size S, which is loose fitting on me and is long enough to wear with leggings/ tights without showing my pale arse.
The jumper was also chucked in. It is from TopShop for £15 in the sale. I love it. Love love love it. It's so soffffft. I got it in a size 8 just in case it shrinks >.< I've always wanted on of those things which don't look so nice there, but once on looks quite nice. This is that kind of clothing. Close up of jumper...

This looks great with neutrals like beige chinos for example, and any wash of jean really. I like to wear it with darker indigo denim to bring out the colours. It's a really casual, quite thin jumper which is great for days of chucking on whatever and dressing down. This jumper and bottoms will look like a put together outfit without too many garments. Nicely done.

Here are some more clothes, not from McArthurGlen though.

All items are from Zara, one of my favourite shops.
Cardigan - £19.99 (S)
T Shirt - £15.99   £9.99 (M)
Shorts - £22.99  £14.99 (XS)

My top buy must be the shorts. I've had my eye on them since I saw them. They are my perfect casual short and are very flattering. They're such a great fit! I'm petite with a bum and big thighs, this skims my curvy parts and doesn't cling on like my denim shorts making them much much more comfy. It makes my thighs look leaner too and is just the right length to hide my stretch marks. Amazing. Oh, and it's pocketed ^^
This is just to show the design... Vertical striped, beigey, and with a cute cream and gold button.

Back to McArthurGlen goodies... Books. My new interest in life. I used to love reading when I was younger. I'd say in my Junior school years particularly. I read Horrible Science books which taught me a hell whole of a lot science. I gave them all away except for my Painful Poison and Space Stars and Slimy Aliens books. Space is probably the only enjoyable topic in Physics for me. I'm more of a Biology Babe aha xD I'm not very Chemistry Conscious x) excuse my alliterations. For a good few years, I did not touch books as such, just magazines. That is when I developed my fashion sense. I had stacks of mags everywhere and read LOOK magazine religiously, like it was my Bible, honestly. I cried when I missed an issue once.
But on reading The Lovely Bones, which I'd picked up randomly by chance from The Works in McArthurGlen. My passion for reading has been ignited, if you like. The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold is the best book I've read so far. Such a gem of a book. It's so well written and the plot is brilliant. The opening chapter made me cry. I just couldn't put the book down really. Maybe I'll do a more detailed review on that in the future. But here are the books I've bought.
I'm currently reading The Island by Victoria Hislop. I'm liking it so far and I'm only on page 25. For me, it's one of those books which you start reading, and you can tell it's going to be good. It's basically about a girl who travels to an island to find out about her mother's past which she was always secretive about. She makes discoveries about herself and the island.
Ravens by George Dawes Green. Really looking forward to reading this since it claims that I'll either enjoy or refund me money back. Brave move. But it's apparently one of the books to read before you die anyway so I'm sure I'll find it a good read.
Rumour Has It by Jill Mansell. I thought it looked and sounded good so picked it up, or maybe because somehow I'd imagined that there's a film with the same title and the film is supposedly quite good? I don't know tbh, it is a bit boiling here at the moment. The laptop is burning my thigh... frogs legs anyone?
And finally, the infamous raunchy sexy writer, Jackie Collins. I wanted to work my way through her books in order but The World is Full of Married Men wasn't available so I settled with Married Lovers. I know I'm young, but being honest it's my kind of story. It's never to early to educate yourself! Haha, I must sound ridiculous! But truthfully, I think I'm mature enough for books such as this and it is in my interest also. I don't see any harm.

Anyway, my fingers are getting tired. I shall watch Beauty and the Beast since I have not watched it before :O a shock to myself really. It is such a beautiful fairytale.
I will post up my monthly favourites pretty soon... stay tuned si'l vous plait.

Bye for now xxx

Btw: Excuse the pictures jutting out into nowhere on the page please, I am a computer, technology rather, thicko. Thank You

Saturday 9 July 2011

Eye Eye Captain

Hello, this is just a post of my eye. Out of my entire face, my eyes get the most make up. I only really wear eye and lip make up, not that I don't need face make up, just that I hate the feel of it on my skin. One thing I can say I don't need is blusher. It's like I have a permanently flushed face, even if I did ever put foundation on the pink would still peek through. People say I have cute cheeks - typical Asian ones.
But here is a picture of my eye make up... (I know it's not exactly good, but it's how I do it)


without flash, natural daylight

with flash, excuse my weird brow

So it's just a very natural looking eye look. Two layers of mascara with a little bit of gold eyeliner to highlight the inner corners of the eye - brings light to the eye so makes it appear brighter and more wide awake. I do not wear eyeshadow. I just think it doesn't look right on me. But here are the products I've used.

Shu Uemura Eyelash Curlers (£26 from a set in Hong Kong)
Soap & Glory Arch de Triumph (Present, Boots)
Miss Sporty Fabulous Lash Waterproof Black (£3.29, Boots)
Barry M Limited Edition Duo Eyeliner - Silver and Gold (£10 from set, Clothes Show Live)
Korres Provitamin B5 & Rice Bran Mascara Black 01 (£15)

I curl my lashes in three places with my eyelash curler, which is honestly one of the things I'd save in a fire, at the tip first, then at the middle, then finally at the root. I find in this order creates a smoother curl instead of a "boxy", unnatural curl that sticks straight up - one of my pet peeves! >.< FYI, I also curl my bottom lashes to open up my eye a bit more.
I then use a thin layer of the Korres mascara as a base, so that my lashes will be a bit longer as the mascara is lengthening, and to hold the curl better. I then wait for that to dry, then apply a coat of the Miss Sporty mascara. This really builds my lashes and makes them really thick and voluminous, but it can clump because it dries quite quickly. I, in a way, style my lashes. I like my lashes to be a certain shape, a bit like a fan I'd say, and I use the mascara wand to separate my lashes, then use my tweezers to clump some together so it looks more dolly. I put my concealer under my eye just to brighten the area, not so much to conceal darkness. I use one from Aldi, which has been compared to YSL's Touche Éclat, but at a fraction of the cost at £3.49!!! I use it in Cashmere I think, which is a bit light but does the trick. I don't have a picture of that sorry. Anyway, I then line the gold end of my eyeliner on my tearduct area and a bit across the inner third of my eye. I blend it later with a cotton bud to soften it up, but I saturate the gold right at my tearduct then fade it out. My brows don't look great here, but they looked fine in real life damn it. I used the shading end of Arch de Triumph to fill in my brows slightly, I don't really use the highlighting end but it's quite good as a base for my eyeliner and to stop my eyelids from oiling up too much. I fill in my brows, then swipe a cotton bud over to remove the excess because I don't like looking too bushy... aha. After, I use this wonder tool to comb through and shape my brows which makes them look neat.

3 in 1 Beauty Tool ($?? from Sasa, Hong Kong)

I bought this ages ago from HK. It's basically an eyelash curler, which is okay to revive curls throughout the day, with a build in eyelash comb and brow brush, which slides out. I find this very useful although I only use the brow brush. It's great if I'm limited for space in my bag, in that case I leave out my beloved Shu Uemura curlers.
I really wanted to ramble, but I'm just too tired at the moment. Thinking of doing a haul or a review...

Just a quick note though, I had my school Prom last friday. I got my make up done at MAC in Debenhams. I'm actually considering buying my first foundation from them, although I have considered Lancome or Chanel as well. The make up artist used Studio Sculpt Foundation which was quite nice, but went patchy after a few hours of sweaty dancing, despite it being set with an MSF. I hated the shine it gave me though in my prom pictures, which is a damn bloody shame! I had no nice pictures T~T
I'm considering Studio Sculpt, and the one in the compact... Studio Tech? Not too sure, but it's the creamy compact one. I loved that when I put some on my hand. I really liked Peachykeen blush on my cheeks too. I think I will get the lipstick in Hue, since my Myth has ran out. I've been eyeing up Shy Girl as well. If only I could change my Impassioned which I don't even use! for either of those, life would be great. Btw, I'm not trying to sound MAC-y, it's just whilst I'm on the subject, I might as well chip in. I have no money for make up... Clothes comes first... most of the time. And I really need to start using a camera to take pictures, not my phone.

Anyway, Goodnight lovelies who actually read to this far! x